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A Message from Dr. Lio post interview 采访后,来自刘医生的问候

English Transcript (中文全文在下方阅读)

AMANDA: Alright, that is great. Thank you Dr. Lio, that’s everything we have for you today. Thank you for your time and your detailed responses. We really appreciate it.

DR. LIO: Yes, it is definitely my pleasure, I hope that you find that useful and helpful. I know that I have talked to some of you before, and I know some of you are from Wuhan, have relatives there. So I wish all of you best of luck, I hope all of you have done well, all of your relatives are safe. I actually do some work in Wuhan, too. I’ve worked there for six years. So, I hope to go back there soon. I hope we can get a handle on this virus and outbreak, and we get to a place when we can safely travel again.



阿曼达: 好的,那太棒了。谢谢刘医生,这是我们今天需要提问的一切。感谢你的宝贵时间和详细的回复。我们真的很感激。




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