中文全文(Scroll down for English Transcript)
刘医生:这里可能由一些知识混淆。这个问题牵扯到两个测试。一种叫PCR, 用于检测是否感染了病毒。另一种是抗体检测。抗体检测可以测量对病毒产生的不同抗体。有一种抗体在病程的早期出现,叫IgM。如果你的IgM检测结果是阳性的,你很有可能仍然具有传染性。
刘医生:还有另一种抗体,IgG。这种抗体会在病程更晚的时候出现。如果IgG是阳性,但IgM 是阴性,这表示你曾经有过新冠肺炎。如果有人对新冠有任何免疫力,那这种测试结果则表示你可能也有免疫力。再重复一次,这些(关于抗体的)研究仍在进行中,还尚未有结论。
刘医生:关于新冠阳性而无症状,如果你的 PCR 检测结果为阳性但没有症状,那么你可能仍然具有传染性。因此,无论你的 IgM 或 IgG 检测结果如何,你都应该将自己视为阳性并进行隔离。
English Transcript
DAVID: Thank you, Dr. Lio. Someone else asks, What is the difference between having COVID antibodies and being COVID positive but asymptomatic? Is it true that the former is infectious and the latter is not?
DR. LIO: There might be some confusion because there are two tests here. One is the PCR test, which detects if you have the virus. Another one is the antibody test. With the antibody test, there are different antibodies that you can measure. There is one antibody that comes earlier in the course of the disease: the IgM. If you’re testing positive for that one, there’s a good chance you’re still infectious.
DR. LIO: There’s another antibody, the IgG, which comes later. If that one is positive and the IgM is negative, that just indicates that you’ve had the COVID disease in the past. If there’s any immunity, that probably means that you’re also immune, but again, those studies are still ongoing and are pending.
DR. LIO: About being COVID positive and asymptomatic? If you’re testing positive for the PCR, but you’re asymptomatic, you’re probably still infectious. You should treat yourself like that and isolate, regardless of what the IgM or IgG test is telling you.