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18 Updated Patient Counts from UCM 芝大医院新冠病人人数

English Transcript (在下方阅读中文视频全文)

ANTHONY: Our next set of questions have to do with some of the numbers behind the current COVID-19 situation.A community member asks: How many COVID inpatients are there now at UCM? And of those, how many are in the ICU? How many COVID patients did UCM admit last week?

DR. LIO: About 120 patients, with fewer than 20 on ventilators currently. If you remember from our last video, I believe the peak was around 140 patients, so it is a little bit decreased from that. Last week we were at around 110. We had a few more people on ventilators. So we’re down from the peak at our hospital, and overall, we’re holding stable.



刘医生:(现在有)约 120 例患者,目前(新冠病人)使用呼吸机的不足 20 台。如果你记得上一期视频中我说过,高峰时芝加哥大学有新冠患者140 名左右,现在的人数有一定的下降。上周,我们有大约110名新冠住院患者,需要呼吸机的患者要比现在多一些。与本院的高峰时期相比,我们的病人数量减少了。总的来说,本院的病人人数是比较稳定的。



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