English Transcript (中文全文在下方阅读)
JULIA: Thank you so much. And you mentioned University of Chicago hospitals and we have a question about that. How many COVID-19 patients did UChicago hospitals admit at the peak of the pandemic, and has the hospital experienced overcapacity?
DR. LIO: At the peak so far, we’ve admitted about 140 people into the hospital who have been inpatients. We used about 30 ventilators for those patients. We’ve definitely reorganized and expanded our capacity to care for these patients, but we haven’t been overburdened I would say. Even at our peak, we’ve had 70 more ventilators that were free to use just in case. So even though we’ve been stretched, we have not been overburdened.
刘医生:到目前为止,我们在最高峰期接诊了大约 140 名患有新冠的住院患者。我们为这些患者使用了约 30 台呼吸机。很明显,疫情开始以来,我们进行了资源整合,在第一时间增强了护理这些患者的能力。我认为我们还没有负担过重。即使在新冠的巅峰时期,我们也有另外 70 台呼吸机可以随时使用。我们受到了挑战,但是并没有负担过重。