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4 Who gets severe symptoms in COVID-19? 什么样的人会出现新冠重症?

English Transcript (中文全文在下方阅读)

AMANDA: Awesome, thank you! This [next question] is kind of related to that. Why do some people with COVID develop severe symptoms, and some people have mild symptoms? What can one perhaps avoid developing severe symptoms?

DR LIO: That’s a bit of a complicated question. So it turns out that to avoid developing severe symptoms, the best thing to do is to not get infected at all. That means, staying at home as much as possible and isolating yourself, and keeping distance when you are going to the grocery store, at least 6 feet away, wearing masks. The first thing is not to get sick. If you do get sick, there are some things that are correlated with having more severe disease, such as having other medical problems such as high blood pressure, diabetes, chronic health problems in which you are not completely healthy at baseline. If you already have a health problems, that means that you’re probably going to get sicker, or you have a higher chance of getting sicker. There is nothing that you can do given that you already have COVID, there is nothing that you can do to prevent yourself from getting sick[er]. That being said, most people do not develop symptoms in the first place. It seems like people have different bodies and they have different health at baseline, and there are some kinds of interaction. Some people just respond differently to the virus and they become sicker. Some people’s immune systems over-respond and they become really sick in the hospital. So, there is nothing that you can do. The things you can do right now are to not get sick in the first place.




刘医生:这个问题有点复杂。事实证明,避免患上严重的症状的最好的做法是完全不被感染。这意味着,尽可能呆在家里,隔离自己。当你去商店时,至少离别人 6 英尺远,戴着口罩,保持距离。所以首先注意避免生病。如果你已经生病了,有些状况会与新冠感染加重有关,比如同时患有其他病症,如高血压、糖尿病等等,慢性健康问题。如果你已经存在健康问题,这意味着感染后你有机会出现更严重的症状,或者有更高的几率转为重症。而如果你已经受到新冠病毒感染,那具体感染的症状是你现在自己无法控制的。话虽如此,大多数感染者根本不会出现症状。因此,每个人的身体状况不同,健康水平不同,而病毒反应和不同健康水平的相互作用下,会产生截然不同的病重程度。有些人免疫系统反应过度,会有很严重的症状并且住院。所以,你感染的症状不由你决定。你现在所能做的就是避免感染,确保自己健康。



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