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3 Managing COVID symptoms at home 在家控制新冠病情

English Transcript (中文全文在下方阅读)

AMANDA: For patients who tested positive and have mild symptoms, how can they manage their symptoms at home? Should they get prescription medicines and if so, from where?

DR. LIO: Currently, we don’t have any antiviral treatments for the coronavirus, which means we don’t have a cure. So everything you hear on the news might be overhyped at the moment because there is no agreed upon treatment. There has been no large randomized controlled trial completed that has shown an effect of any of the drugs we’ve tested so far.

DR. LIO: While there is nothing to treat the virus, to cure you of the virus, there are things that you can take to help with some of the symptoms. If you are having a fever, you can take something like Tylenol or ibuprofen to bring the fever down. The same two things can also treat muscle aches, which are common with COVID. There are other things that you can take that are over-the-counter for cough, if you are having coughing spells: Something like Robitussin, or something with dextromethorphan In it. But again, these don’t help cure you of the virus, they just help you feel a little bit better.

DR. LIO: The good news with COVID is that the majority of cases that occur with it are mild or asymptomatic, maybe around 80%. These can be managed at home. You might feel a little crummy for a while but the good thing is that you will recover, and your body will fight off the disease by itself. The important thing to do for yourself is to get plenty of rest, to get good nutrition and to get plenty of fluids.





刘医生:虽然没有什么可以根治病毒的方法,但有一些药物可以帮助缓解症状。如果你有发烧,可以服用泰诺(Tylenol) 或布洛芬(ibuprofen)来退烧。同样的两种药也可以治疗新冠患者中常见的肌肉疼痛。如果你有咳嗽发作,你可以服用非处方的止咳药物。像 Robitussin,或者含有右美沙芬(detromethorphan) 的药物。再重复一次,这些药物并不能治愈你的病毒,它们只能让你感觉好一点。




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