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13 COVID-19 Drug Trials at UChicago 芝大医院的抗新冠药物实验

English Transcript (中文全文在下方阅读)

JULIA: Thank you Dr. Lio. I have another question about the drug trials. The question is, hydroxychloroquine and remdesivir, which one is more effective against COVID-19, and when should one use these drugs? Does UChicago Hospitals use one or both of them to treat patients?

DR. LIO: You should only use them if your doctor tells them to use them just because they’re still being tested. Right now no drug has been proven to be effective for treating COVID, so both actually… both hydroxychloroquine and remdesivir are being tested in clinical trials at the University of Chicago. So if you do get sick and you’re interested, Remdesivir is available in the inpatient setting which means that you have to be sick enough to be hospitalized in order to be eligible for that trial. But hydroxychloroquine can be used on the outpatient basis, and we can give you some information on the trial if you’re interested. You’re eligible if you take it within the first 72 hours of getting sick. So there’s a time window for that. So the bottom line is we don’t know what works and what doesn’t work so far, so please don’t be looking for any of these drugs for yourself, we’ve already seen some people die from taking drugs that they’re not supposed to be taking.

JULIA: And just one follow up question with that, could you verify, so University of Chicago Hospitals are using these drugs as part of a clinical trial which is a part of research, does that mean they are also using them as a part of clinical care?

DR. LIO: Yeah, they’re using them for treatments. But in the setting of clinical trials. So for example, in order to get remdesivir as a treatment you have to be enrolled in the clinical trial.

JULIA: I see, thank you so much for the clarification. The next set of questions will be coming from Amanda.



茱莉亚:感谢刘医生。关于疫苗药物试验,我还有另一个问题。羟氯喹(hydroxychloroquine) 和瑞德西韦(remdesivir),哪一种对新冠更有效?何时应该使用这些药物?芝加哥大学医院是否使用其中一种或两种来治疗患者?

刘医生:只有当你的医生告诉你要使用这些药的时候,你才应该服药。因为这两种药都仍在测试阶段。目前还没有任何已经被证实的抗新冠药物。事实上,芝加哥大学医院正在进行羟氯喹(hydroxychloroquine) 和瑞德西韦(Remdisivir) 的临床试验。如果你确实患有新冠且有兴趣参加临床试验,瑞德西韦(Remdisivir) 可在住院环境中使用。这意味着你必须患病并住院才有资格参加该试验。羟氯喹(hydroxychloroquine) 可以在门诊使用。如果你感兴趣,我们可以提供一些关于试验的信息。只有在开始患病的 72 小时内服用羟氯喹才有资格参加研究,有一个时限。总之,我们现在还不知道什么有效,什么无效,所以请不要自行寻求使用这些药物中的任何一种。我们已经见到一些人因服用他们不应该服用的药物而死亡。


刘医生:是的,它们是在临床试验中用来治疗。比如说,如果你想服用瑞德西韦(Remdesivir )作为治疗的话,那你就必须选入临床试验组。

茱莉亚:我明白了,非常感谢您的澄清。下一组问题将来自 Amanda。



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