English Transcript (中文全文在下方阅读)
AMANDA: Alright. The next question is: “Will the virus disappear as summer approaches and the weather gets warmer? Will it reappear when it gets cold next winter?“
DR. LIO: So far, we don’t have much evidence to say that the virus will go away in the summer. In fact, we’ve had evidence that it will probably stay with us in the summer. It might be a little bit less transmissible in the summer, but we don’t know that for sure yet. What we do know is that in places like Singapore, Australia, and the Middle East, where it’s already warm, the virus is still spreading . Here in America we can expect the same, that the virus will probably still be with us. It might be a little bit better in terms of how the virus fares in more warmer and more humid temperatures, but it will still spread. What’s most likely to happen is that it will be with us through the summer and into the fall. You might hear that a lot of people are worried about the fall and winter now, because that’s also when flu season starts. If we have two major communicable diseases affecting our health care systems at the same time, both flu and COVID, then that’s an even more higher risk of our health care system, the hospitals, becoming overburdened and not being able to take care of these patients properly.